Interneto puslapio peržiūrų skaičius

2011 m. vasario 7 d., pirmadienis

The Xx - heart skippet a beat

Kadangi esu labai ramios muzikos megėja, tai pasidalinsiu su jumis tokia superine daina! 

The Xx
Heart skipped a beat

Please don't say we're done
When I'm not finished
I could give you so much
Make you feel, like never before
Welcome, they said welcome to the floor

It's been a while
And you've found someone better
But I've been waiting too long to give this up
The more I see, I understand
But sometimes, I still need you

Sometimes, I still need you

I was struggling to get in
Left waiting outside your door
I was sure
You'd give me more

No need to come to me
When I can make it all the way to you
You made it clear
You weren't near
Near enough for me

Heart skipped a beat
And when I caught it you were out of reach
But I'm sure, I'm sure
You've heard if before

Myster X!xoxo

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